Customer Notifications by Text FAQ

Updated 6 months ago.

Get assistance via text from Metronet using the following recognized text input:

Text: HELP
Description: Text HELP to get a How To Guide on our SMS logic, a link to our Support articles, and a number to our Customer Care team.

Text: STOP
Description: Text STOP to opt out of messaging on your current ticket with us. You will no longer receive SMS messages regarding your ticket.

Description: Text KEEP or CONFIRM to keep your current repair ticket or service order appointment.

Description: Text CHANGE to get help with rescheduling your current repair or service appointment.

Description: If you have an open repair ticket with us, text FIXED if you would like to close your ticket.

Description: Text CANCEL to get information about how to cancel your Metronet service order appointment.

Description: Text AGENT to begin a SMS conversation with a Metronet Customer Care representative. Available during regular business hours. Not available on holidays.

Note: If we are having trouble understanding your message, we ask that you to contact our customer care team at 877-407-3224.

Need to Get in Touch with Your Tech?

Once your technician is on their way or arrived at your address, you can text with them directly. If you are running late or have other important information for your tech, simply text back to the number that your appointment reminders came from.