Updated 6 months ago.
This feature notifies you of an incoming call while you’re on the phone, and it shows you the name and phone number of the caller.
Use Call Waiting with Caller ID to:
To use Call Waiting with Caller ID: During a call in progress, you will hear two signals indicating an incoming call. First, you will hear the traditional Call Waiting beep that alerts you to the incoming call. Second, you will hear a short tone which indicates Caller ID data is being downloaded to your display unit (the person with whom you are speaking will not hear either of these tones). The calling party’s number and name will appear on your display unit.
Note: This service requires a Call Waiting with Caller ID capable display device connected to or a part of your phone in order to see the calling party’s information. You must provide this device. A Type 2 Caller ID compliant phone is recommended for this feature; you may experience a louder call waiting tone if you use a different type of phone.
Call Waiting with Caller ID is only active on your line while you are engaged in a telephone conversation. If you already have a call waiting or on hold, any subsequent calling party will hear a busy signal and you will not hear any signals notifying you of additional incoming calls. You may override Call Waiting with Caller ID on a per-call basis by performing the Cancel Call Waiting procedure. If you override Call Waiting with Caller ID during a call, any incoming calls will receive a busy signal or will be sent directly to your Voicemail box (if you have our Voicemail service). No Caller ID information for incoming calls will be displayed.