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Safe Technicians = Safe Customers

Safety is important in every industry, but fiber-optic installation and maintenance require rigorous safety standards to be our first priority. Metronet's award-winning safety program works to ensure the safety of our technicians and customers.

To achieve these goals, Metronet provides our technicians with training through Metronet University. Metronet University is a state-of-the-art training facility where our technicians gain real-world experience in all things related to the installation of Metronet's 100% fiber-optic infrastructure. This program allows our technicians-in-training to handle situations similar to those they will encounter on the the job.

Real-World Experience

Metronet University's simulated outdoor training area gives our technicians experience in evaluating proper fiber line placement, gaining entry into crawlspaces and attics, running fiber lines inside the home, and accessing aerial lines. Additionally, trainees practice terminal fiber routing and splicing, hanging drops, proper wire routing, installation of the external house splice box, running fiber indoors, wall fishing techniques, and wall plate installation.

Our technicians receive training on the entire Metronet installation process, from beginning to end, before ever stepping foot on a customer's property. We take safety seriously at Metronet, and this detailed training process guarantees safety for our technicians and our customers now and in the future.

Customer Satisfaction and Safety go Hand-in-Hand

While conducting and learning safe fiber installation practices is the primary goal of Metronet University, customer satisfaction is also one of our top priorities. That's why our training program requires technicians to participate in live role-play scenarios with "customers." These scenarios give our associates practice in interacting with customers and reviewing the installation checklist before leaving a customer's home. This checklist guarantees that customers have a good understanding of what our technicians did during the installation process, how their new Metronet equipment works, and where to go if they require assistance in the future.

Metronet University and its emphasis on safety and customer satisfaction create an exceptional experience for both associates and customers, ensuring industry-leading fiber-optic installation that values the well-being of everyone involved.

More information about Metronet University can be found HERE.